Home > News > News release > Department of Public Administration, College of Politics and Governance, led by Assistant Professor Dr. Pimchana Sribunyaprarat and full-time lecturers in the department, attended the curriculum improvement meeting in 2026.
Department of Public Administration, College of Politics and Governance, led by Assistant Professor Dr. Pimchana Sribunyaprarat and full-time lecturers in the department, attended the curriculum improvement meeting in 2026.

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2025-01-09 16:01:34


  On Thursday, January 9, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., the Department of Public Administration, College of Politics and Governance, led by Assistant Professor Dr. Pimpchana Sribunyapornrat and lecturers in the department, attended the meeting to improve the curriculum in 2026 according to the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) approach to jointly develop a more modern and efficient curriculum. The focus will be on designing a curriculum that focuses on the outcomes that learners will receive so that graduates have knowledge, abilities, and skills that meet the needs of the labor market at the Phisamai Phimon Sat Conference Room, Building 42, 5th floor, Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology.


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