Home > News > News release > The Bachelor of Political Science Program, College of Politics and Governance, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, led by Dr. Saroj Bunsermwan, Head of the Political Science Program, Department of Political Science, organized a project on official.
The Bachelor of Political Science Program, College of Politics and Governance, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, led by Dr. Saroj Bunsermwan, Head of the Political Science Program, Department of Political Science, organized a project on official.

admin cpg
2024-12-02 11:27:54

On November 17, 2024, the Bachelor of Political Science Program, College of Politics and Governance, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, led by Dr. Saroj Boonsermwan, Head of the Political Science Program, Department of Political Science, organized the project on official letter writing for students of the Bachelor of Political Science Program. The objective is to promote the learning of official letter writing techniques for students of the Bachelor of Political Science Program. Mr. Punyawee Tanprasert, Human Resource Specialist, Office of the Prime Minister, was honored to be a speaker via Google Meet and at Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Ranong Provincial Education Center.

The project enabled students of the Bachelor of Political Science Program to be able to write official letters correctly when they enter the civil service system, apply the knowledge they have gained to their daily lives, and develop skills in writing official letters in an integrated manner to respond to development, which is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals in Goal 4: Quality Education by promoting the development of academic and professional skills necessary for work for students, such as official letter writing, which is an important skill for working in the public sector and various organizations, and developing the quality of students' learning.


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