Home > News > Master and PhD News > Congratulations to Ms. Ladapa Nuan-in, Master of Political Science student. Department of Politics and Governance, Class 12, on the occasion of passing the examination to prevent independent research The appraisal results were at a good level, excellent.
Congratulations to Ms. Ladapa Nuan-in, Master of Political Science student. Department of Politics and Governance, Class 12, on the occasion of passing the examination to prevent independent research The appraisal results were at a good level, excellent.

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2023-08-06 11:29:39

Congratulations to Ms. Latapha Nuan-in, Master of Political Science student. Department of Politics and Governance, Class 12, on the occasion of passing the examination to prevent independent research Assessment results were at the excellent level at the main conference room, 2nd floor, College of Innovation and Management. Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University Thank you to the Independent Research Prevention Examination Committee 1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wiphawee Phichitbandan Chairman of the Examination Committee 2. Asst. Prof. Dr. Wichitra Srisorn Member of the Principal Advisory Committee 3. Assoc. Director and Secretary that gives feedback to students in order to make student research results more complete.

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