Home > News > News release > February 15, 2024, College of Politics and Government personnel Participate in a training project to promote digital culture in the workplace. The objective is to provide personnel with knowledge, skills, and the ability to effectively accept changes .
February 15, 2024, College of Politics and Government personnel Participate in a training project to promote digital culture in the workplace. The objective is to provide personnel with knowledge, skills, and the ability to effectively accept changes .

admin cpg
2024-02-15 17:40:26

February 15, 2024, College of Politics and Government personnel Participate in a training project to promote digital culture in the workplace. The objective is to provide personnel with knowledge, skills, and the ability to effectively accept changes in operations within the organization fully digitally. By promoting the use of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University's various information systems, such as the enterprise resource management system (ERP) in the form of a web application, the operational support system for departments (SOS), and the electronic document system (E-Office). Including using the university's information system to help support education and innovation. that will help promote the use of the organization's information systems more efficiently which was honored by Mr. Nat Ployong and Ms. Waraporn Naraprasertwong computer scientist Office of Service Science and Information Technology As a lecturer, there was Associate Professor Dr. Wijitra Srison, Deputy Dean for Administration. Chaired the opening of the project via Zoom Meeting.

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